Complimentary Consultation
Free - Discuss your concerns with a licensed Speech Language Pathologist. Find out why private speech therapy is the right choice for your child during this free phone consultation.
Comprehensive Evaluation
$250 - Performed by a certified, licensed, and insured Speech Language Pathologist an evaluation will determined your child’s current areas of need. You will receive a complete written evaluation report, complete with formal assessment results, informal assessment results, observations, background information, and recommendations.
individual assessment
$150 - Performed by a certified, licensed, and insured Speech Language Pathologist, an assessment is completed in one specific area of concern. You will receive a complete written evaluation report, complete with the formal assessment results, informal assessment results, observations, background information, and recommendations.
$65 per half hour/ $125 per hour- High quality, evidence-based, speech therapy session.. Each session is part of your child’s customized therapy program, based on evaluation results, to address their areas of needs.
Virtual Educational tutoring
$65 per hour- Individualized tutoring plan to support your child’s academic needs. Subject areas include: literacy, language arts, math, test prep, executive functioning, and social skills.
virtual intensive reading programs
$125 per hour- Now Available intensive, scientific, evidence-based, multisensory Wilson Reading System (WRS). Administered by a certified WRS provider. Requirements: 60-90 minutes 2-3 sessions per week. This program targets poor readers and those with Dyslexia.