We do not accept insurance. Superbills are available upon request. Private pay rates depend on session frequency and length. Discounts are available!
Where are you located?
We are located in Davie, Florida. We also provide virtual therapy via a HIPAA secure platform throughout the state of Florida.
What are your credentials?
Licensed under Florida Department of Health. Certified by the American Speech- Language-Hearing Association. Insured by HPSO.
What is a speech disorder?
A Speech Disorder is when an individual has a problem creating or forming speech sounds for communication. Also known as an Articulation Disorder or Phonological Disorder. Other common Speech Disorders, include Fluency Disorder (stuttering), Voice Disorder (affecting Pitch, Loudness, or Quality of voice), and Apraxia of Speech (motor planning deficit).
What is a language disorder?
A Language Disorder is when an individual has difficulty understanding, talking, reading, or writing. Those with an Expressive, Receptive, or Pragmatic Language Disorder may present with one or more of the following deficits: poor reasoning (problem solving), processing of information, difficulty expressing ideas, thoughts, or opinions; short sentences; limited vocabulary, weak phonemic awareness; trouble recalling words, detail or contextual information; use of poor sentence structure; difficulty with understanding social boundaries and rules; trouble following conversations, jokes, or directions.
What causes speech or language disorders?
Genes, heredity, prenatal nutrition, and other conditions.
what is your cancellation policy?
No fee if cancellation is made prior to ONE hour of scheduled therapy session.